Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I can't clap to a beat.

We all know I am not musically inclined, but now, thanks to the internet, we can quantify how bad I really am.

I took the 3 tests here: http://tonometric.com/

First came the tone deaf test. 36 questions. I had 2 options, so with the speakers off, I should get 18 correct. I had the speakers on. I got 20 correct. 55.6%. Some may say I got lucky on 2 questions, and I'd have to agree. I guessed on every single one.

Next up, rhythm test. I felt like I was doing a little better on this one, then came the score. 48%. Again, two options, and I failed at getting the score I should've gotten with the speakers off. I believe the exact phrase used by the site was "possible rhythm or memory deficit". Memory? Come on, now the site is just taking shots at me while I'm down.

Finally came the adaptive pitch test. This test showed at 500 Hz, I could reliably differentiate two tones 4.2 Hz apart. Which is...... Above average! It's a small victory, but I'll take it.

So do these results mean I'm putting the dance shoes away for good? Well, I don't own dance shoes, but I still plan to go out there and embarrass anyone willing to dance with me. And don't give me a hard time about it, I apparently don't hear what most of you are hearing...


Brendan said...

- At 500Hz, I could tell tones that were 1.8Hz apart (59% percentile).

- 92% on the rhythm differences

- 72.2% on tonedeafness

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

um, are you that bored in germany that you have resorted to testing your musical abilities? i think the government isn't working you hard enough...what a life.

Teresa said...

Haha. I agree with Smorgan, there. But seriously, I just took all three tests, and I must say that instead of testing your musical or memory ability, I think it tests your attention span. I got so bored half way through each of the tests that I just quit caring. And just hit buttons. So, don't worry Morgan. I don't think it's the most reliable test.